Monday 14 January 2013

Monday Hiccups Yeah or Nay?

The award season is upon us. God help us all. This morning I woke up with an influx of Golden Globe pictures and stories about what a wonderful night it was.  I must admit I do like my celebrity news but this morning I felt a little sick with over indulgence. Who wore what best became the main focus of these fashion obsessed maniacs.  The celebrities I used to love, I now want to throttle (Anne Hathaway). 

 If I have to read about her brilliance one more time, I think I might die a slow painful death. I never realised how obsessed we are with celebrities. Until now, I never realised how boring and meaningless these individuals are. 
Yours Truly

In other news it's snowing. Yeah or Nay? I don’t mind snow, comes once a year and lasts for a few days. Nothing to complain about. Unless you’re English of course then snow becomes the black plague. My twitter is plagued with “oh it’s snowing outside”, “I can’t function no more” sort of comments. “Look it’s snowing” a workmate points out. I know it’s snowing lovely I have windows and eyes for that matter. What’s wrong with us Brits and snow? 

On a happier note, I did start reading Kirsty Greenwood's Yours Truly and it made my day. Full review coming soon.

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