Set in the Louisiana bayou, this emotional story stars two brothers from a close-knit Cajun family, and the woman they both love. For Laura Sebastian, becoming part of the warm and fun-loving Cantrelle family would give her the kind of life she has always longed for, one filled with light, love, and joy. She could finally put the darkness of her past behind her.
Yet when Norman Cantrelle, her boss and the youngest Cantrelle son, asks her to marry him, she is torn by doubt. She thinks the world of Norman, but she doesn't love him, not the way she knows she should. A tough situation becomes decidedly worse when Laura and Norman are involved in a terrible accident one rainy night as they drive home from a business trip -- an accident that causes Norman's older brother, Neil Cantrelle, to return home to Louisiana to confront his past.
Neil and Laura are inexorably drawn to one another and soon that attraction turns to the kind of love and desire that can't be ignored. Both fight against these feelings -- especially Neil -- but no matter how many times he tells himself Laura is off-limits, that he cannot hurt his brother this way -- he cannot wipe her out of his thoughts -- this forbidden woman both he and his brother love.
Quick Review
"The dream is the same as all others. He is running down a dark rain-swept street. It is hot and muggy, just like it is every summer in Louisiana."
Have you ever read a book that read just right? Loving Laura is a simple read with complex characters. The characters, the plot, the humor everything about this book fits perfectly. Patricia Kay is my trusted author, the one I turn to when all others fail. She is the master of Romantic Novellas.
Neil and Laura find themselves in love against all odds. They try and fight their temptation in the end their bond is too strong to fight. These two characters are by far my favorite characters in a Patricia Kay novel. They are genuine and compassionate. This story could have been told by any other author half-heatedly but Patricia Kay tells this tale beautifully. She is soulful and thoughtful as an author. Loving Laura is a great read, one which stayed with me for a very long time.
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