Saturday, 16 February 2013

Review: Love Virtually

Love Virtually
'Write to me, Emmi. Writing is like kissing, but without lips. Writing is kissing with the mind.' It begins by chance: Leo receives emails in error from an unknown woman called Emmi. Being polite he replies, and Emmi writes back. A few brief exchanges are all it takes to spark a mutual interest in each other, and soon Emmi and Leo are sharing their innermost secrets and longings. The erotic tension simmers, and it seems only a matter of time before they will meet in person. But they keep putting off the moment - the prospect both excites and unsettles them. And after all, Emmi is happily married. Will their feelings for each other survive the test of a real-life encounter? And if so, what then? Love Virtually is a funny, fast-paced and utterly absorbing novel, with plenty of twists and turns, about a love affair conducted entirely by email.

"Isn't it exciting that you can get involved with someone you don't know, someone you've never set eyes on and probably never will, someone you expect nothing from, of whom you can't be sure that you'll ever get anything halfway adequate in return?"

 Love Virtually was a lovely surprise, a proverbial ball-busting surprise. It’s addictive, believable, relatable and captivating. With the many relationships nowadays being formed on Facebook, the prospect of forming an intense relationship with a virtual stranger is more than plausible. Love Virtually is an intense read. Within a short space of time the characters grew increasingly close forming a bond that becomes unbreakable. I expected an easy read, something that wouldn't be straining, I expected a simple love story, boy meet girl, love happens and they end up happily ever after. I didn't expect to complications, anger, betrayal, spite. This reads like a timeless classic.

Emmi is a very domineering character, she want to have it all. Leo is a romantic, a sappy romantic fool chasing a married woman. This book is written in emails which would I thought would put me off knowing my history of hate for diary entries and the like but because the emails are written with ease, I found myself falling in love with book with every email.  This book flows; the emails are well written, intelligent and captivate every emotion beautifully. I finished Love Virtually in less than a day and within hours I was gasping for more of this author's work. This book was originally in German and has been translated to English readers however there is no sign that it was ever in German, the translators mastered the dialogue and mannerisms of the characters superbly.

 Love Virtually also made me question what I classify as adultery and whether if I was Emmi's husband I would be happy for my wife to have such an intense relationship with another person even if that person was a virtual character in a virtual world. I was uncomfortable knowing that Emmi was more or less committing virtual adultery if there is such a thing but I still wanted a happy ending. Emmi and Leo are clearly made for each other but the question of adultery still remains marring what they have.This is brilliant, intriguing and genuinely by far the most interesting book I've read in a long time. I would 100% recommend this wholeheartedly. Its a virtual masterpiece. 

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